CSE MCQs :: ReactJS
- What are the limitations of ReactJS?
- How can you access the state of a component from inside of a member function?
- Which of the following API is a MUST for every ReactJS component?
- At the highest level, React components have lifecycle events that fall into
- What are the advantages of React JS?
- How does React handle Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) standard?
- What does the "webpack command do?
React can be used on client and as well as server side too
Using React increases readability and makes maintainability easier. Component, Data patterns improves readability and thus makes it easier for manitaining larger apps
React can be used with any other framework (Backbone.js, Angular.js) as it is only a view layer
All of the above
aria-* HTML attributes are fully supported in JSX. Where most DOM properties and attributes in React are camelCased, these attributes should be lowercased
aria-* attributes should be converted to camelCase like other attributes eg. className, onChange and so on
React processes aria-* attributes separately and update the DOM for accessibility if the user requires it
React is yet to support WAI-ARIA standard