CSE MCQs :: MySQL Database MCQs
- The maximum length of the char columns is
- Which data type is more suitable for storing "documents in Mysql?
In the following query, what does "person_id stands for?CREATE TABLE person(person_ id SMALLINT UNSIGNED,fname VARCHAR(20),lname VARCHAR(20) ,CONSTRAINT pk_person PRIMARY KEY (person_id));
- Which Clause is used to select a particular row from the set of row in an existing table?
In the following query "person_id can beSELECT person_id, fname,l name, Birth_data FROM personWHERE person_id=1;
- Which command is used for the table definition in Mysql?
- Which command is used on Mysql command line tool to return to window command shell?
- Which command is used for taking "server side help in Mysql command line tool